Cad's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He / Him
December 21
Club Owner
Pluto Fürst
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Fears exist for a reason.
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Night Fürst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cadmium
Night Fürst
Cad's Plotter
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 2:04:04 GMT
Night Fürst Avatar







[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Night Fürst











[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Night Fürst


[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]He / Him


[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Dark / Psychic



When you close your eyes,[break]
what do you see?[break]
Do you hold the light, [break]
or is darkness underneath?

Night is a 30 year old man who owns the club that his husband Pluto performs in. Though he often goes by the alias "Nightmare" as one of the few remnants of his past he still stubbornly clings to; Night can be quite the opposite.

Befriending Night can be a bit of a struggle; as he's suspicious of anyone's motive to a near frustrating degree. Though enough effort will eventually win him over. Honesty is his best policy, for the best or the worst it doesn't matter. Night isn't the type of friend someone would want if all they're searching for is someone to tell them pretty lies, or to try and hide them from the world. His aversion to telling lies is painfully combined with the fact he leans towards brutal honesty. But if someone is able to get past it, Night is a loyal friend to have. Willing to answer a call at ungodly hours of the morning with very few questions asked, and very little hesitation— Though the hesitation that is there, mainly comes from his having to explain to his husband where he's running off to at 3:30 in the morning.

Night is no stranger to having enemies just from how easily he falls into such a role. He doesn't aim to make anyone an enemy, and simply lets the chips fall where they may when interacting with anyone. Regardless of whether someone is an enemy or not; if they truly need his aid and seek it out. Then he's willing to let bygones be bygones and offer the olive branch... at least until whomever it may be decides they've had enough of him. No skin off his back.

Associates, Employees, Strangers.
Whether you be a friend or foe, inside the walls of his club. Night stands with the idea of a Neutral Ground, and if a conflict is insisted upon, he'll insist it be taken outside. Night is willing to take anyone under the Clubs' roof without many questions, people have pasts they want to get away from and he's no stranger to it. So long as they show up on time, or give him enough of a notice for their absence, then he's willing to keep them employed. Despite his personality, he's not a terrible boss to have. Ultimately, the safety of those within the walls of his club and the contentedness of his employees become his main focus.

Anything! Night is a flexible guy to work with despite everything he has against him. Whatever someone might think could work with him, I'm willing to give a try!

You can't take back the damage you've done[break]
Oh, you can hide,[break]
but you can't run




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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
Mauville City
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Y'feel the pumping adrenaline?
29 posts
Matus Baran DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @matusbaran
Matus Baran
Cad's Plotter
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 18:45:24 GMT
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[attr="class","leaguecardname"]MATUS BARAN










[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Matus Baran

[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]He / Him

[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Pokemon Racing



Gimme the wheel[break]
So we can move a little faster[break]
I make it real[break]
I'm not a glorious disaster

Former Gang-leader having turned over a new leaf. After having lost a race to Josh Devlin, Matus was forced to give up all Pokémon he'd poached from trainers that he'd beaten in the less than legal races he'd forced them into, as well as disband the gang he'd been involved in. Left with nothing else but his own Pokémon to his name, Matus has sought out a new path.


Matus is very much a ride-or-die type of person; Those he considers as friends will have his full loyalty, regardless of any questionable decisions they may make or troubles they run into; Matus is more than willing to drop what he's doing to bail them out. Those who have a tendency towards the more blood-pumping activities are just as likely to have an eager accompaniment from Matus, being an adrenaline junkie to his very core.


Though he's been essentially forced to change his ways, a personality doesn't easily change. Matus has little time for people trying to pull a fast one over him, especially if it's a trick he's used before. He's rash and hard-headed, easily holding grudges and far more willing to get into a brawl if he needs to.

Anything! He's already had a self-assigned rival with Josh Devlin with his determination to prove he's a better racer than him even without any of his dirty tricks or poached pokemon.

[break][break]I need a shot again,[break]
that sweet adrenaline[break]
Dead scared 'cause I'm fearless in the head[break]
Bang bang [break]
'cause the needles in the red



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]Character name

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
part of
TAG WITH @Deleted
Cad's Plotter
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 21:40:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar







[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Mauv Tessa











[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Mauv Tessa


[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]She / They





Mauv is barely over her first year of graduating from her studies, and she's living on the excitement even now. She's managed to secure her own clinic and is overjoyed at being able to base herself in her childhood home. She doesn't mind traveling out of her office or city to see a patient, as its her deepest belief that everyone be able to receive the help they need. As long as someone is willing to reach out for help, she's willing to try and help them.

These are the people Mauv finds herself at ease with; able to drop her constant happy exterior for something far more genuine—not to say her happiness is fake, but rather it gets tiring trying to only show that side of herself. Mauv is always looking to make new friends, and doesn't care much for the feuds between Rocket and the League; everyone is a person, and everyone deserves help as long as they're willing to accept it... and even if they don't accept it.[break][break]

To be Mauv's friend is to accept that you'll likely wake up to good morning texts when she's getting ready for work; the checking-on-you texts throughout the day when she's between patients to make sure you're doing alright. Being shipped / brought home-baked treats when she has a spare moment and just wants to show that she was thinking of you. She's a willing ear to vent to, and an open couch to crash on. So long as you don't take advantage of her kindness, she's an unending well of generosity and good will.

That being said, Enemies come in all forms, and Mauv is certain she's gotten at least one or two in her time both at uni, and just from patients that really didn't like her counseling style. She accepts this is something that happens, but sometimes it gets her down. Regardless, even enemies and/or rivals will be treated with the utmost respect, and offered her services no matter the time or day. Everyone has a chance to change, and she's always willing to offer the olive branch.[break][break]
... even if this one doesn't come sugar coated and decorated with marshmallow leaves.



  • Clients
  • Friends
  • Rivals
  • Anything!

If you feel that a character would fit with Mauv, then by all means let me know! She's very open and very welcoming no matter the person.



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]Mauv Tessa

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing